Sunday, August 28, 2011


We started learning Korvais or sequences. (Not to be confused with Karvais - with an a that we discussed a few weeks ago). Adavus that we have been learning so far are like building blocks. However to use the adavus for longer dance, we will need to put them together which is precisely what we do in Korvai. We do one after the other step without missing a beat (no pauses unless by design).

Keep in mind that these are simply some ways of putting them together and are really a manifestation of the choreographer's creativity.

Korvai #1

1. A modified form of 5th naata.  (which is basically first half of 5th naata twice, followed by 2nd naata) Do this starting with both legs.
2. tha-ki-ta (4 times) (right, left, right, left)
3. thai thai DDT (3 times). (right, left, right)

Do the entire set starting with right leg first.

Korvai #2

1. 7th naata on both sides (thaiyum thatha thaiyum thaha)
2. thai ha thai hi (3 times) followed by thai thai DDT (both sides)
3. thai ya thai hi thai ya thai hi (with pataka hands) once on each side
4. thai ya thai hi thai thai DDT (with alapadma hands).
5. Repeat 3 & 4 starting with left side.

Korvai #3 (Probably the easiest of the 3)
1. tha thai thai tha (with shikara mudra on the hand) in the following sequence.
   right-centre-front-centre, switch hands, left-centre-front-centre
2. thath thai tham dhi thai tham (2nd step) on both sides. 

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