Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Anatomy of a Varnam

Varnams are milestones in the world of music/dance. Since this is a dance-based blog I will concentrate on dance based varnams. Varnams are of different types and have different purposes. The two popular types of varnam are Taana Varnam and Pada varnam. The Tana varnams are usually used in music training/concerts and consists more of the akaaram based singing/playing. "Pada" means verse, so true to its name pada varnam have a lot of verses (even for places where, in Tana varnams, you only have swaras). Almost all varnam pieces in dance training are pada varnams because tana varnams are mostly to prove the prowess of one's singing rather than on nritta or abhinaya.  Therefore for the rest of this post, whenever I say Varnam, I mean pada varnam.

The structure of a varnam with the nattuvangam is as follows. The blue color shows verses and green color shows swaras or simply musical notes (as in sa ri ga ma  or some such combo :) ) The nattuvangam is in red.
For illustrative purposes I have shown the corresponding parts of nee indha mayam (in purple italics). Please refer to the previous blogpost for actual lyrics.

-------------- Begin Purvangam (usually in 1st speed or sometimes in chowkam) -------------------
 First Line Intro

Theermanam I
Arudi (Walk back)

Pallavi - Nee indha maayam seidhal nyayam dhana dhayanidhiye
Arudi (Hit back)

Theermanam II
Arudi (Walk back)

Anupallavi - paayum maaran ambinale....
Arudi (Hit back)

Theermanam III
Arudi (Hit back)*

Mukthayiswaram (only musical notes) Ni Dha pa Ma ga ri..
Arudi (Walk back)

Mukthayiswara sahityam (verse for the same tune as #3) (Nee allal thuNai illai...)
Arudi (Walk back) and Pose¨ 

------------- End Purvangam (Purvangam == first half)   -----------------------------

============ Begin Uttarangam =====================
 Charanam (usually sung in 2nd speed) (Ayar kula deepame...) Intro
Theermanam IV
Arudi (Walk back)

Charanam Sanchari
Arudi (Hit back)

Chittaswaram #1 (Sa pa ni ma)
Arudi (Walk back)
Chittaswara sahityam #1 (svAmi ni kan pAr...)
Arudi (Hit back)
Chittaswaram #2 (Sa ri sa ni ri sa dha)
Arudi (Walk back)
Chittaswara sahityam #2 (Sarasadala ...)
Arudi (Hit back)
Chittaswaram #3 (Sa ri sa ni sa...)
Arudi (Walk back)
Chittaswara sahityam #3 (tarunamidu...)
Arudi (Hit back)
 Chittaswaram #4 (Sa sa ga ri sa ni ri sa...)
Arudi (Walk back)
Chittaswara sahityam #4 (Paaraai...)
Arudi (Walk back)¨
.... some varnams have more than 4 chittaswarams and some have lesser than 4.
============= End Uttarangam (Uttarangam == latter part) ================

* - You hit back because the next line is Mukthayiswaram which is also foot work. So you prefix the footwork with the hitting back
¨ - You walk back because the next line is Charanam and therefor abhinaya. You prefix the abhinaya with the more graceful walk (rather than hit).

While this is taking a specific varnam for illustrative purposes, the structure for varnams remain more or less the same.
Couple of things to note
1. Both nattuvangam (such as theermanams) and swaras (such as chittaswara or mukthayiswara) comprise of purely footwork.
2. All verses with actual lyrics comprise of abhinaya. For the main verses (Pallavi, Anupallavi and Charanam) they are often repeated multiple times. The dancer usually uses these repititions to either a. show variations in abhinaya or b. use abhinaya to show drama/story. For ex, eventhough the lines themselves may not directly refer to it, the dancer may show stories of krishna or rama during the lines. Such elaborations are called "sanchari"s. Sanchari literally means to roam around. These are called sanchari because they go in a roundabout way to express the meaning by enacting stories rather than do the abhinaya of the actual words.
Remember that these sancharis are creative outlets for the dancer to depict their facial expressions of emotions just as the intricate theermanams are their outlets for footwork.

I may do a followup post on just Dhanyasi varnam to explain a little more about the raga/tala structure of the same. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Beginning Varnam 5/11/2013

My last post has been from October 2012 where I spoke about Korvais and Karvais.  Fast forward 7 months and we are already beginning our Varnam.
The post prior to that is from Sept 2011 where I introduced Kavuthuvum. So here's a list of what we learnt in the intervening year and half.
1. Ganesh Kavithuvum
2. Subramanya Kavithuvam
3. Natesha Kavithuvam
4. Alarippu
5. Kalyani Jathiswaram
6. Govardhanagiri (Krishna Shabdam) - Raga malika
7. Thodaya mangalam - Raga/Tala malika
(did I miss any)

You can see that as a child learns first the alphabet, forming into words learning the pronunciation and then eventually forming sentences, we have now reached a stage where we can put together these various elements of footwork, hand gestures and abhinaya to create a full length piece.

The varnam we are learning is Nee Indha Mayam by Papanasam Sivan in Raga Dhanyasi and Aadi Thalam.
Don't worry yet if the structure is a little vague. I will be explaining this in a subsequent post. Just pay attention to the bolded terms,  I will be referring theses names in the following post.
Here's the lyrics of this varnam . Meanings follow (in blue).

nI inda mAyam (padavarNam).  rAgA: dhanAysi.  tALA: Adi
nI inda mAyam seidAl nyAyam tAnO dayAnidhiyE 
Is it fair/right if you do this mystical action, oh sympathetic one. (the "mAyam" here could refer to magic or testing behavior).
A:  pAyum mAran ambinAlE puNpaDu pAvaiyaik-kaNNAl pArAmal innum 
The girl has been hit by the arrow of the leaping Manmadhan (the love god), you are not even looking at her with your eyes yet (you're ignoring the lovestruck woman)
nIyallAl tuNaiyillai bhuvi tanilE dayai purivaiyE nijamidu vanaja nayana
Without you, there is no support in this world, take pity on me, this is true oh lotus-eyed.
ninadubhaya caraNam kanavilum maravA enadu tApamara vandaruL iraivA
I pray to your helping feet. Oh God, please help remove the yearning that I don't even forget in my dreams.

muraLi gAna kuLir niraimati vadananE murahara munivar tozhum kamala caraNanE
the flute player, the cool moon faced one, the slayer of demons, the lotus feeted that sages pray to.

rAdhai maNavALA tuyaram ini tALEn mukhil nigar dayALA yadu patiyE  
Husband of Radha, I cannot bear this sorrow now, oh compassionate one like the rain bearing cloud, oh leader of yadavas.
Ayarkula dIpamE aruL tArAi
Oh shining light of ayar lineage bless me.
Chittaswaram (Sahityam):1:  svAmi nI kaN pAr satyabhAmA lOlA gOpAlA 
Oh God, please see me the lover of Sathyabhama, Gopala.

2:  sArasadaLa vilOcana parama pAvana sAmajavarada madurai vaLar 
Oh lotus eyed, the supreme holy being. The boon-giver to gajendra, the one who grew up in Mathura.
3:  taruNamidu ninaindu ninainduLLam varundinEn  
karuNai nidhiyE manadu kanindaruL viraindu 
this is the right time. I despaired thinking over and over again. Oh compassionate one, please soften your heart and come fast.
4:  pArAi punnakaiyoDennarugil vArAi nI manam irangi enai
parivuDanE enaduyirudan onrena anru kaland(u)En enai inru marandAi
pani nilAvil tavazh iniya tenralilum enadu mEniyazhal mezhugu pOl uruga
pagalirA tuyilurA tiru vizhigaLum pArAmukhamum tagumO manamum silaiyO
Please see me (pArAi), come near me with a smile, take pity on me. With lots of affection, that day you become one with my life, why did you forget me today. Even in the cool breeze that floats in the dewy moon, my body melts like an inflamed wax. There is no day with sleepless eyes, Is it right to show indifference (to me), is your heart a statue (as in made of stone?)